Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Rex and His Chicken

This is Rex, my friend Mary's son with his Barred Rock chicken.  He was a wonderful chicken farmer as a child.  The men in the background are his dad and uncle.  I am kind of interested in 'how much' visual information is necessary to convey a story and an image.  I particularly like the uncle on the right...the suggestion of his cap and shirt.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Quotidian # 10

Okay, gentle reader...I am not sure if this is finished yet, but it was all that I could finish today.  I have not figured out how to portray those pesky rakes on the right hand side.  They are both red so the colors are fun but man...all those tines!  I do like the view from my tomato plant back, looking back at my porch.  I love the periwinkle post in the foreground, with my periwinkle bench in the background.  I just keep a can of periwinkle paint on hand at all times.  In fact, thirty some years ago, I repainted the old wooden high chair a new coat of this color between each baby.  I know, I know...probably wasn't safe enough paint...