Monday, January 9, 2012

Quotidian #2

This is an oil on canvas 20"x30".  This year I am thinking about immigration in terms of ALL of our 'leave-taking'.  All of us have particular 'expulsions' from 'home'  in our lives.  Places, things, and people are taken away from us.  We are forced to move to new places because we can no longer function in the old place.  Most of us go in sorrow, kicking and screaming.  We can't go back...only forward.  This couple depicted,  were forced out of their parenthood Eden and into the land of 'losing a child'.  They go forward with grace, dignity, and sorrow and hope.  The very least we can do is walk alongside them.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Quotidian #1

Last night (New Year's Eve) wonderful son and I shared an ice cream sandwich and played scrabble.  We actually "toasted" each other with the two halves of the yummy ice cream sandwich...clinking the two halves against each other before we enjoyed them.  Then we used pumpkin seeds to "play scrabble".  We had quite different approaches.  I wrote a letter on each seed and spelled out my word,  and he formed the letter shapes with multiple seeds.  Because I could just 'make up' my letters,  I spelled 'avuncular.'  I loved that it was more letters than allowed.  He spelled his favorite food:  bacon.  It was totally silly and fun AND no hangover the next day!!!